
Cuphead x bendy fanfiction
Cuphead x bendy fanfiction

From what I could see past the tall trees, overgrown bushes and chain link fence, it seemed to be a town. Joyful chatter and a variety of sounds caught my attention, so I stopped running and turned to face the noises. I don't know any secrets to life or anything! I'm just like anyone else! But that isn't the case at all! I'm like this because my mother was an Angel and my father was a human. They believe I can access a gateway to heaven or can figure out the meaning of life or some shit like that. All because I'm half human and half Angel.

cuphead x bendy fanfiction cuphead x bendy fanfiction

Their footsteps heavily beated after me as they were desperate to catch me, desperate to lock me up again.

cuphead x bendy fanfiction

Yelping, I sprint off through the clearing, my legs surprisingly managing to keep at a high pace, even with my wings slowing me down. I stood up, narrowly missing a tranquilizer zooming past my face. "Over there!! Get her!!" Those wretched people yell from the diatance, making my heart beat fast from fear.

Cuphead x bendy fanfiction